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5. Study. Observe. Connect.
It is our responsibility & privilege really to study, observe, & connect. Study God's word. Seek God in prayer. Read books. Read blogs. Be committed to passionately pursue God's heart. Be committed to passionately pursue knowledge, wisdom, etc in whatever field He has called you to. With the advances in technology in this day & age, there is no excuse. Personally, Pinterest has been such a helpful tool for me to gain ideas & wisdom. If we can spend hours on social media or infront of the TV, we can spend hours seeking meaningful insight. Research. Educate yourself. Believe it or not, God has called others to the same or similar field that He has called you to. Many of who will also say in the beginning they too were not "gifted". There is so much we can learn from those who have been there & done that. Observe the ministries that God has entrusted to others. Connect with them. There are other believers who share similar passions & calls. You are not alone.
6. Not everyone is going to encourage you.
In fact some WILL discourage you, especially if your gifts are not on display. People (including yourself) may question, doubt, this or that. Church members, family, friends, etc- not all of them are truly going to be beside you. But take heart. While the enemy is using some to discourage you, God is using others to encourage you. Personally, I have been so blessed to have a few believers who have spoken life over me in this season, pray over me, continue to stand beside me, & build me up in ministry. What a difference it can make. Stay alert. Walk in discernment. Do not take the bait. The enemy WILL use anything he can as a means to create fear, hurt, & doubt in your heart. Do not ponder on words spoken or deeds done void of God's leading & spirit. Take every word & deed to the feet of Christ. Keep what needs to be kept & burn what needs to be burned. Let it go. Hold those encouragers close & demand Satan to get behind you. Stay humble before God & never forget to filter everything through His word, His spirit, & His truth. The enemy is relentless. That jerk. If he is not going to use people he will use fear, lies, distractions, your own flesh, weariness, sickness, ANYTHING he can to keep you from intimacy with God & serving as He has called you to.
7. This is more than a hobby.
I don't say this to make things heavy, but I must be honest. A call from God is not just a hobby. Whether you are gifted or not. Whether you feel passionate about it right now or not- You need to take it seriously at all times. Beloved, this is much more than a hobby or just something to do. You are His vessel. You are His witness. You are His partner. He has invited you to be apart of the greatest work on earth. Act like it. Treat it as such. God wants your heart. Your affections. Your hands. Your feet. No matter what gift you lack, He wants to use you for mighty things. Go above & beyond through His power & strength. Don't flake off when the excitement wares off or the journey gets rough. This is a matter of eternal impact. If you're not going to give God's call your all, don't give it anything at all.
"And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as tot he Lord, & not to men." Colossians 3:23
"Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest." Ecclesiastes 9:10
8. Remember Mary & Martha.
Giving God your all doesn't always mean running around the house like Martha did. Yes, there is a time to use our hands, our mouths, or whatever else. But our hearts must always be at the feet of Christ- adoring him. It does not seem that Mary was rebuked for simply working but rather because she was "troubled about many things". Serving can come from a peaceful heart & attitude or it can come from a stressed heart & attitude. We cannot serve with a peaceful heart & attitude without sitting before the Prince of Peace. We must never forget WHO & WHAT this is really about. If all of the little details do not come together- it is okay. If we are not serving from an overflow of intimacy & prayer in our personal lives- then we shouldn't be serving at all. If you are not connected to God how are you going to minister to others? If you are not building a ministry on prayer then what's the point? Burn outs do not have to happen. Even the most gifted WILL burn out if they are not abiding in the Holy Spirit & the spirit abiding in them. Rest when you need to rest.
We need God & His spirit more than we need gifts, talents, or abilities. He will develop within you what needs to be developed. You are not supposed to be able to accomplish this through your own gifts & abilities. Stay focused on Him & you will thrive in whatever His plans are for you.
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7. This is more than a hobby.
I don't say this to make things heavy, but I must be honest. A call from God is not just a hobby. Whether you are gifted or not. Whether you feel passionate about it right now or not- You need to take it seriously at all times. Beloved, this is much more than a hobby or just something to do. You are His vessel. You are His witness. You are His partner. He has invited you to be apart of the greatest work on earth. Act like it. Treat it as such. God wants your heart. Your affections. Your hands. Your feet. No matter what gift you lack, He wants to use you for mighty things. Go above & beyond through His power & strength. Don't flake off when the excitement wares off or the journey gets rough. This is a matter of eternal impact. If you're not going to give God's call your all, don't give it anything at all.
"And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as tot he Lord, & not to men." Colossians 3:23
"Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest." Ecclesiastes 9:10
8. Remember Mary & Martha.
Giving God your all doesn't always mean running around the house like Martha did. Yes, there is a time to use our hands, our mouths, or whatever else. But our hearts must always be at the feet of Christ- adoring him. It does not seem that Mary was rebuked for simply working but rather because she was "troubled about many things". Serving can come from a peaceful heart & attitude or it can come from a stressed heart & attitude. We cannot serve with a peaceful heart & attitude without sitting before the Prince of Peace. We must never forget WHO & WHAT this is really about. If all of the little details do not come together- it is okay. If we are not serving from an overflow of intimacy & prayer in our personal lives- then we shouldn't be serving at all. If you are not connected to God how are you going to minister to others? If you are not building a ministry on prayer then what's the point? Burn outs do not have to happen. Even the most gifted WILL burn out if they are not abiding in the Holy Spirit & the spirit abiding in them. Rest when you need to rest.
- Luke 10:38-42
We need God & His spirit more than we need gifts, talents, or abilities. He will develop within you what needs to be developed. You are not supposed to be able to accomplish this through your own gifts & abilities. Stay focused on Him & you will thrive in whatever His plans are for you.
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